Saturday, September 27, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Imagine a day in which the pain never stops. You foot and ankle feel like they are on fire. Every second , the pins and needles are poking into your leg.
Imagine looking for the answers to the disease you have been diagnosed to have. Each article that you read uses the words chronic and incurable. Spending hours doing research and feeling you still have no answer.
Imagine having 5 nerve blocks. A nerve block is done by putting a needle in the back of your thigh with an electrical pulse going through it to make your foot jump. the pain-free time should last day after the procedure but only lasts hours.
Imagine a life that no longer has a normal. All day you are in bed trying to keep the swelling down in your foot. The moment you get up to walk around your foot swells up and turn a blue color.
Imagine taking medications that make you feel like you are in another world. The bottles of pills become confusing with what to take and when. The pain never goes away , you just don't care as much that you have it.
I could never have imagined any of these things. I never would have wished any of these things on anyone. I now watch my hubby experience all of these things daily and more. My frustration at being so helpless to do anything grows daily. It's also hard to imagine that so many people out there have RSD and so few know about it.
Waddling to imagine better days for my hubby...........
Posted by
8:41 PM
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Posted by
8:07 PM