After a chaotic week, I think things are beginning to calm down again.
Mr. Waddler came home from the hospital yesterday. After all the tests, the findings showed early stages of heart disease. No blockage or heart attack. He is on a heart monitor for the next 30 days. It is good to have him home.
Hooch is gone to another cheer competition. Her knee still hurts but does not want to let her team down.
Bino is off all day to a bowling tournament. He had a new ball drilled yesterday and can;t wait to give it a try.
For me, my training took a vacation. I'll take today to catch my breath and catch up. Tomorrow should be back on schedule. That is why schedules are always in pencil.
Good Luck to Joe- He is running the Rocketcity Marathon today.
Waddling to calm down...................