RUN: 13.1 MILES / 2:58:10 / 3:2 RUN WALK
We headed out the door at 6am and found heavy fog. Actually -I was happy to see that it wasn't too sunny and the temp was 56. Perfect for me. So far ,so good. Parking worked out well -right at the finish line so that my dad who is 84 could sit on the back of my Murano. I packed my 2 bottles of water in my fuel belt and 1 pack of clif bloks.
From running the course last year ,I knew the challenges ahead. I started the 3:2 immediately. I hit the first hill after mile 1 and it continues to 2. The photo shows how it was running up into the fog. The water stations were at every mile and each one was run by a different unit in competition with each other. My favorite was the reserves' oasis with the wet sponges and music.
After mile 6 , I lost rack of the miles and the time because I had no specific goal and just wanted to enjoy everyone and the run. I came down the final hill and someone yelled, "Great job you're going to break 3 hours" Holy shit!! The finish was awesome. The last .25 miles was inbetween c114 planes that were on display. There my dad and son were waving at me! I crossed the line at 2:58. There was a general there waiting to put on my medal. Just then a group of fighter jets flew over. I couldn't help but to be overwhelmed by the patriotism.
I have no pig fact today--but I am ready to begin the first phase of my training now for the flying Pig.