Saturday, March 29, 2008


This was one of those days that everything seemed to click.

When I got up, I looked out to see a gorgeous sunny morning. It was only 29 but there was no way I was going to run on a treadmill. Bino, my son, had his fishing gear out and wanted to go to the I & M Canal. We dressed warm and headed out. I ran 6 miles while he threw a line in the water. I had a great run and averaged a 12 minute pace. He caught one small bass. Our reward was breakfast at McDonalds.

This afternoon I took Sugar off the trainer and put Silver on. I ran Sugar up to the bike shop for her spring check-up. It would be at least 2 weeks because they are so busy.

I got everything done that I wanted so today was a success.

Waddling to turn things off for Earth Hour...............

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Coach gave us a head up on Tuesday that this mornung would be a time trial to compare to February. Instant anxiety set in.

Why do I hate time trials?

  • One of the reasons that I have not trained with a group before is because I am slow at whatever I do. It's tough to have everyone waiting for you.
  • Another reason is the same reason that I hate doing a 5K race. I panic and worry that I won't make the distance if I go too all out.
  • It is also hard to come face to face with a number on the speed that I swim.
  • It's like taking a test and forgetting everything that you know.

I don't know my exact times for the 200 and 2(100) but I don't think I was really any faster. I tend to overthink these things. It goes back to expectations. I know that my strength is not to be fast. I know I will always finish no matter how long it takes.

I went to the MD whis afternoon to get my BP check. It is down alot from February but still not where it needs to be. So my meds. were increased again. I am happy that it is heading the right direction.

Tonight I was thinking of doing a short run but the springlike rain,sleet and snow put a stop to that. I'll probablly go to spin in the AM if I can get up.

This weekend, I plan to run longer Saturday and swim/spin on Sunday. I'm hoping for some better weather. Also I hope to take Sugar off the rainer and to the bike shop for a spring check-up.

Waddling to quit rambling.................

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Good start to the day with swimming. I am disappointed that I never quite complete the workout. I know that I need to get there earlier to get the warm-up done and get going but at 445am-it never seems to happen. The best part was to see Iron Snoopy back after battling the bug.

My goal today was to get a second workout in later. I had a special case at lunch today so I wasn't able to get a strength workout in. I was thinking of riding my trainer but the weather guy is calling for 50 and sun. He was right but forgot to add in the wind. I took Dakota with me and he loved it.

Tomorrow, I am not sure what I will do because on Thursday at swim we are repeating our time trials for 1 x 200 and 3 x 100. I panic when I think about it. I know the distance is not the issue. My swimming and the clock seem like opposites.

Hooch go home from Florida and had a great time. Her team did not do as well as hoped due to one of the girls wearing jewelry. She is already trying to figure out what competitive team to cheer with next year.

Waddling to watch American idol...........

Monday, March 24, 2008

After a day of rest yesterday for Easter, it was time to take a hard look at the calendar and see where I was at. There was less than 8 weeks until Galena and less that 20 weeks until Steelhead.

WOW. I am feeling comfortable with my swimming. I am confident in my running. My biking is not where it needs to be yet.

Galena offers the most challenging bike course. The hills are unending and on some of the downhills I have come close to 40 mph. Spin class and a trainer does not get you ready for that. I am hoping for outside biking soon.

Another change that I need to make is my strength training. I was doing it routinely for several weeks. I just am able to find every excuse not to do it. Time is running short so it is time to head back to the weights.

I got up early and made it to 530am spin. Added some strength training at lunch. Now I need to continue.

Waddling to get on a roll..............

Sunday, March 23, 2008
