RUN: 4:03 / 16.0 MILES / 4R:1W
It was the perfect morning for a long run. No clouds in the sky. No wind. The starting temperature was 32. Today was an important run for me in my training for the marathon. Alot of my longer runs until now had been on the treadmill. Taking it to the streets feels so different.Besides a few snowy and icy spots on the sidewalks , conditions were perfect. I packed up my fuel belt with 3 bottles of water, 2 bottles of gatorade and 4 GUs. My hope was to stay around a 14:30 pace. The first hour nothing was clicking. I could not get into a rhythm. My pace was way off.Finally ,I settled in and the rest of the run felt comfortable. I am signed up to run a half next weekend. The course closes after 3 hours. If I ran like today,I wouldn't make it. I'd prefer not to be that person in front of the police car with the lights on at the end. I feel like I'm cutting it close on my training for the PIG on May 6th.
I haven't been able to blog much lately because my life has been so hectic. My MIL sold her house in ohio in is moving up here in 2 weeks to her new duplex. My Hubby is in Ohio with her today packing the things in the basement of his dad's. Hopefully everthing will be calm by April 1st.
Waddling to grab lunch....