Saturday, July 22, 2006


RUN :9.6 /2:13 / AVE PACE 13:53 / 4:1

I went to Waterfall GLen again today to get some hills in. The temp was perfect at 60 and partly cloudy. I just wanted 1 more longer run in before SF. I am really worried about the #;00 hour limit. I need to ave 13:40 pace. The hills I know will be the big challenge.

I found myself thinking alot about next year. I will do a marathon and have new goals. But why have I given up on this year? I was doing great at the beginning of the season but really slipped. I have alot more of this year to go and I don't feel I'm where I want to be....

While I was on the trail today there was a 10mile race(going the opposite direction). Because of my pace I went by the leaders the first mile and last mile. What I noticed the most was how they looked. Breathing heavy. On the edge. At the limit and not holding back. Then I looked at myself and can honestly say that I've never reached that point of discomfort. I hold back for fear I won't make it. I'm afraid I would be more embarassed not to finish than to finish in the back. Basically there is no all balls out.

I guess it goes back to what is the most important to you in a run. I don;t want to look like them but I don't want to look like me either. Maybe it's the fact that I can't find that balance that is throwing me off. SOmetime I will find the run to either do it or quit.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006



Tonight with the heat-I headed to the gym for spin with Mary. 1/2 of the biking group was there. How fun. Mary was in rare form. We did an endurance ride and stayed in the saddle. I loved it. Great music and Mary even had her sunglasses on.

I went ot Long John's after class and made the mistake of getting chicken. Big mistake I paid for that and lost a training day on wednesday.

Monday, July 17, 2006


RUN: 45 MIN / AVE HR 142-MAX 166

Due to another heat advisory today-I headed for the gym treadmill. I always make up workouts to make it more interesting. Today with SF coming up I did some hills.

0-2 min walk 3.3
2-10 run 4.3 / 1.0 incline 10-11 walk
12-20 run 4.5 / 1.5 incline 20-21 walk
21-30 run 4.5 / 2.0 incline 30-31 walk
32-35 run 4.5 / 3.0 incline 35-36 walk
36-40 run 4.2 / 3.5 incline 41-45 walk slowly decreasing incline

It was a good workout. Still hot inside. I find when I'm on the treadmill that I am more focused and get a better workout. I just feel like I wimp out sometimes by going inside.

Sunday, July 16, 2006



Another day where the plan fell apart. Brian and Cor arrived home from TN in the night so I overslept again . When I got up at 7am there was a high heat advisory(I hate heat) . I headed out to run 6-8 rather than the 12. I packed alot of water on my fuel belt. 90 minutes later I made it back home. Covered in sweat out of water and tired. At 9am it was already 89.

During this run I decided I will never run a fall marathon but what about the flying pig in May?

I'hoping for a good training week this week--maybe some treadmill with the heat so high.
