Monday, December 26, 2016

2017 Planning

Setting Goals 2017
Coming back to Triathlons.
I think this time of year brings much reflection and planning. I always feel it is important to have a plan in place. It may be in pencil (Old school) and need changes but it is a must. This is not just for training but for life.
I have 2 major goals for the year. Hoping my recovery from injury proceeds.
I approach every goal with 3 plans in pencils:
·         Plan A- Everything goes according to plan on paper and schedule. No adjustments needed. Life never interferes. No injuries or major life crisis involved. (95% of the time never works but provides a beginning and goal)
·         Plan B- Most goes according to plan. Minor edits are needed. Once a month maybe the pencil needs to come out. No major injuries or life problem that may involve some time off. (45% of the time this works)
·         Plan C – Basic idea of plan works. Editing is needed often. Every week or 2 changes are made. Work, weather, and other things add too changes. Pencil is out almost every 1-2 weeks. At least 1 crisis or illness or injury or work, causes some unexpected days off. (Works the rest of the time)
Not sure where 2017 will lead but here we go. 
Waddling with a plan……

1 comment:

Commercial Cleaners Fall River said...

Great blog thanks for posting
