Tuesday, November 28, 2006


RUN: 30 MIN. / AVE HR=152

I cam home today and realized the focus must be on the future. My personal and family recovery will take time. Now the task at hand is to focus on training for the PIG and rethink my training plan.

Today it was 65 out and sunny. Certainly not your typical Chicago end of November. I grabbed Dakota who had been stuck at the kennel and went for a run. I could feel the holiday weight gain and lack of running. You have to start somewhere- so here we go! My heart rate seemed a little high but I'll worry about that later. It's time to start logging some miles :)

Waddling back to training.............


IronSnoopy said...

Yay you for getting out there! I should've done the same thing when I got home. I'm sure Dakota is so happy to see you. :)

You still have plenty of time to train for the Pig!!!

Backofpack said...

I'm sorry to read about your father-in-law's passing. Going out for a run does your mind, body and spirit good. Good luck on your training!

Thomas said...

I'm very sorry to hear about your father-in-law, but of course you all knew this would be coming. I hope you get over the grief soon.

Keep running, it's a great way to keep your mind healthy, and it's something positive to focus on.

D said...

So sorry about your loss. A nice run is good for your soul and gives you some solo time to sort through your emotions. Sorry.1

Joe said...

Welcome home...yes the time now is to look forward. Yet, grateful for the life of your father in law.

The legs will come back quickly. As you say, just get in the miles right now.
