Thursday, October 18, 2007


As I said the other day -all my plans are in pencil. Today was a classic .

Work just sucked. My boss has been in Florida with her sick father and today found out he has lung cancer. The prognosis is poor. When she was 14 , she lost her mom to lung cancer. Now to face it again. My heart ached for her.

I am facilitator for a Y-me breast cancer support group. Mid-morning I received a call that a special lady that I am close to has Brain metastisis. Prognosis is bad. When she came in, we both cried and she told me that she was ok with what was happening and I should be too.

When I finally got home, Bino ran in from football practice and reminded me I had a parent meeting for the bowling team which is having tryouts next week.

After getting home from the meeting, I was mentally exhausted. The swim workout plannned was not happening.

Waddling to watch the Cleveland Indians ..........


21stCenturyMom said...

It sounds like your day was workout enough :-(

So sorry about all of the bad news.

Jenniferlyn said...

Oh wow.... now that is a day. I am sorry to hear of all the things going on around you.

You are strong, o one missed workout will not do you in!

Keep it up!

Spandex King said...

Cancer Sucks!! How can anyone be okay with news like that.

Vickie said...

They say God never gives you more than you can handle. Sometimes you have to wonder though. Hang in there. Better days will come.

Irene said...

Sounds like you could use a hug.


Dan Seifring aka "OBRATS" said...

Very sorry for the day you had yesterday. I hope for better days ahead for you.
