Friday, February 22, 2008


Yesterday when I got ahold of the doctor's office, they got me right in. The RN and MD both agreed that my BP ws high. Doc and I discussed my lifestyle and training. Even though that I was following all the right rules sometimes your body has a mind of its own. So I had to admit that I have high blood pressure. I had researched all possible medication options before going.
The prescription was written and I am now on medication. Good news- I can return to my workouts with no changes. Thanks for the concern.
Waddling to feel better...............


Melissa said...

I'm glad to here you don't have to change your workout and lifestyle changes you have made. I will be praying that this corrects itself as I understand being one who doesn't like taking medicine.

Also, I get migraines so bad I have to stay in bed all day. What do you take for yours?

Joe said...

This is a good solution. So glad this won't affect your training!!

Hope the meds work well!!

Mary Sunshine said...

I'm so thankful that you are okay!

rocketpants said...

Glad to hear you are doing alright and are able to get back to your training.
